Two weeks ago our family took a mini vacation to Davao City. It’s about three hours from where we live. Shorter depending on who drives. 🙂 It was nice to get away for a few days and just relax. Luke really enjoyed it. It’s funny how kids even at such a young age are so content when they are just with their parents. That’s how Luke is. He doesn’t really like when there is alot of people, like Sundays. He gets really agitated when there’s so many people surrounding him. But when it’s just us three hanging out he is so content. I am enjoying him just wanting to be with us!! 🙂 DSC_9794The hotel where we stayed at, Seda, had a really nice pool. (Side note: the workers there are SOO nice and accommodating So Luke went swimming for the first time. It was so fun sitting there watching him swim. Growing up, Monday’s were our FAMILY DAY and almost every Monday our parents took us swimming. I feel like once Luke really grasps the whole swimming thing, we’ll be doing alot more of it.

The thing about having a boy here is there aren’t as many option for clothes as there are for girls. So when we went to shop for him swimming clothes all we could find was these little swim shorts…all the shirts were like for a 9 year old. So we went with that. Of course WE HAD TO buy him these little sunglasses too. DSC_9815.JPGDSC_9814.JPGI honestly was so nervous he was gunna scream and cry the whole time..but he LOVED the water. He was a little nervous at first but then he got to where he would try to push away from Ryan acting like he knew how to swim. Ryan said the pool was really cold too, so I was shocked how much fun he was having. The best part about taking a kid swimming though is it makes them really tired which means mom dad and kid are going to get to take a lonng nap. I LOVE nap time. It’s a very exciting time for me.DSC_9834DSC_9835DSC_9837DSC_9836DSC_9827DSC_9850DSC_9847DSC_9861DSC_9856The next day though we went to the street market and bought him a floaty. We got him a shark cause it represents his personality sometimes. It was either that or hello kitty:) He loved it! We let him try it on in the hotel room before taking him down to swim. My mom also found him a little swim suit (grandmas always seem to find everything). DSC_9879.JPGThe second day Khloe, my niece, swam for her first time. She is a DOLL. I seriously have the prettiest nieces!!! It’s funny cause we always put her and Luke close together..but they’re not really noticing each other yet. They just like pull on each others shirt or hair. It was so fun watching them swim. They both ended up getting really cold though that day so we didn’t swim long. Overall though, it was fun watching them have fun. Things are so much funner with tiny humans around. DSC_9900DSC_9905DSC_9915DSC_9920DSC_9921DSC_9927DSC_9890DSC_9887


Published by Abie Sisson

white girl with a brown heart

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